Rayne Johnson is a death doula, end-of-life consultant, Comfort Touch (palliative massage) therapist, certified aromatherapist, author and educator.
Blending her experience as a massage and aroma therapist with her many years working in palliative care, Rayne helps families and their loved ones through the dying journey and teaches caregivers practical ways to help with the end transitions.

As an aromatherapist, Rayne is on a mission to supplement the approach to palliative hospice care through her inspired teaching and creating community online. Her unique program, Sacred Aromas & Essential oils for Dying and Death Care, teaches caregivers how to incorporate aromatherapy into their practice and bring relief and peace to their patients as well as themselves.
Doing Deathcare Differently
Rayne began her career in 1984 in the healthcare field as a massage therapist (Sutherland-Chan School of Massage & Hydrotherapy) with training in aromatherapy (Toronto School of Aromatherapy) and herbology (Michael Tierra). She founded Rayne’s Essentials creating and selling personalized blends and products that benefited the body, mind and spirit.
Rayne taught massage to expecting mothers, performed baby massage, and was a birth doula for many years. Coming from her experiences as a birth doula, easing newborns and their families into new life, Rayne got the calling to work at the other end of life—helping patients and families ease the journey out of life.
As Rayne puts it, “Birth and death is a package deal.”
In 1994, she switched her focus to palliative hospice care, and furthered her studies in Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy (AromaMedical 2005) and Contemplative Approach for End-of-life Care at Naropa University.
In a 2018 interview with CBC radio, Rayne described the problem we have talking about death. “We have become so far removed from death and dying. Death doula is not a new thing—it’s an old tradition. We used to take care of the dying at home. Now, it’s become taboo—we’ve become death-illiterate, as well as grief-illiterate.”
Rayne is helping to change the way we do deathcare. By combining her specializations in end-of-life care and palliative massage, her unique experience as an aromatherapist, and her skills as an inspired and passionate educator, she opens the way for us to have meaningful end-of-life experiences that are aligned with our personal values.
Rayne brings insight, warmth and authenticity to her work, her life and friends. Drawing from a deep commitment to health and healing, watch out, her passion for life is contagious.
Public Speaking and Media
Rayne is a speaker, instructor, and workshop presenter, and has appeared on radio and television talking about her passion—doing deathcare differently.
She has been interviewed on CHED and CBC radio, featured in the Edmonton Journal, and appeared with Dr. Karen Wyatt at End-of-Life University on the topic of Sacred Aromas.
Other engagements include keynote speaker for Pilgrim Hospice fundraiser, host of Edmonton Death Cafes and Death Chats, instructor for Metro Continuing Education & Senior Centers, and workshop presenter on palliative massage and aromatherapy in palliative care (online and in person).

To engage Rayne as a public speaker or contact her for media, use the contact form or send an email
Rayne is a trusted and knowledgeable Death Care Provider/Educator that I’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with over the years. Her knowledge aside, her passion for improving the lives of individuals and communities when it comes to Death Care, is unsurpassed. If I were in the situation of needing guidance dealing with anything related to End of Life, I wouldn’t hesitate to call Rayne first.
Brandy Rollins- Family Service Manager for Trinity Funeral
Rayne Johnson is a member of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.